
Professor - Publications - Group Website
Education: Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering, Caltech, 1989
Research: atmospheric aerosols, aerosol-cloud interactions
Sonia's webpage
Phone: (970) 491-8350
email: sonia@atmos.colostate.edu
Research Scientists and Research Associates

Senior Research Scientist - Publications
Education: Ph. D. in Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, 1990
Research: atmospheric aerosols, ice nucleation
Paul's webpage
Phone: (970) 491-8257
email: Paul.Demott@colostate.edu

Research Scientist III
Education: Ph. D. in Environmental Microbiology, University of East London-United Kingdom, 1995
Research: The identities, characteristics and atmospheric relevance, of ice nucleating particles, especially those of biological origin.
Phone: (970) 491-8428
email: thomas.hill@colostate.edu

Research Scientist III
Education: Ph. D. in Atmospheric Chemistry from University of California, San Diego (2012)
Research: Atmospheric aerosols, ice nucleation, marine INPs, aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions, Arctic studies
Phone: (815) 644-8464
email: jessie.creamean@colostate.edu

Research Scientist II
Education: Ph. D. in Physical Chemistry, Certificate in Molecular Biophysics from University of Colorado Boulder (2017)
Research: Understanding the effects of interfacial structure and interfacial modifications on ice nucleation, INPs, CCN, atmospheric aerosols, bioaerosols
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
email: Russell.Perkins@colostate.edu

Research Scientist II
Education: Ph. D. in Atmospheric Environmental Science, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (2011)
Research: Source apportionment of air pollutants, aerosol optical properties, cloud microphysics Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
email: Emily.Bian@colostate.edu

Research Associate II
Education: B.S. in Chemistry and B.A. in Spanish, Colorado State University (2019)
Research: Technician for the Department of Energy ice nucleating particle instrument mentor program
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
Email: Carson.Hume AT rams.colostate.edu
Postdoctoral Researchers

Marina Nieto-Caballero
Education: Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado (2021)
Research: Microorganism identification, functionality profiling, and source tracking in atmospheric, aquatic and terrestrial environments
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
Email: Marina.Nieto@colostate.edu

Claudia Mignani,, Ph. D.
Education: Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, University of Basel (2022)
Research: Biological ice nucleating particle emissions in relation to environmental conditions, atmospheric aerosols
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
Email: Claudia.Mignani@colostate.edu

Postdoctoral Scientist
Education: Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University (2017); Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT (2017-2020)
Research: Bioaerosol survival and impacts on atmospheric processes and plant, animal, and human health
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
Email: Noelle.Bryan@colostate.edu

Kathryn Moore
Ph.D. student
Education: B.S. in Chemistry, Environmental Science Concentration, minor in Physics from Colby College (2014)
Research: oceanic ice nucleating particles and their relation to cloud and radiative properties over the Southern Ocean
email: Kathryn.a.Moore@colostate.edu

Kevin Barry
Ph.D. student
Education: B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami (2017)
Research: Atmospheric INPs from wildfires, Arctic INPs
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
email: Kevin.Barry@colostate.edu

Ryan Patnaude
Ph. D. student
Research: Cirrus ice nucleation by marine aerosols, aircraft studies of mixed phase clouds
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
Email: Ryan.Patnaude AT colostate.edu

Brian Heffernan
M.S. student
Education: B.S. in Chemistry, Boston College (2019)
Research: Atmospheric aerosols, bioaerosols, and ice nucleating particles
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
Email: Brian.Heffernan@colostate.edu

Camille Mavis
M.S. student
Education: B.S. in Chemistry, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA (2020)
Research: Atmospheric aerosols, bioaerosols, ice nucleation in Arctic environments
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
Email: Camille.Mavis@colostate.edu>

Emily Lill
M.S. student (Emily Fischer, lead advisor)
Education: B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (2021)
Research: Aerosol chemistry, air quality, ice nucleation in polluted winter environments
Phone: (970) 491-xxxx
Email: Emily.Lill@colostate.edu